Thursday, March 1, 2012

Month 6 of Epic Mickey Debt Calendar--- BEST MONTH YET!

 After 6 months of working on our calendar we finally hit a very pivotal moment! 
We paid off not one but TWO loans!!! Now we are snowballing-feels great! 

With multiple school loans, the home remodel we had to finance through Home Depot, and the car loan we felt like we weren't making headway. BUT FINALLY! We paid off a smaller student loan and the Home Depot loan. Home Depot was a bit difficult to do; it seems as though they didn't want our money... but that's a whole other story to save for later.

Anyway, without further delay here is our....
 And just in case you didn't catch last months Epic Mickey... compare our progress here.

**As a family we decided to change our lives by paying off debt. We needed motivation to keep us going. This Epic Mickey represents how much debt we owe. Each filled in square represents a dollar amount paid off. Once the entire Mickey is filled in, we will be debt free besides our home. Then we'll party in style with Disney to celebrate! We have included a monthly plan to have the savings set aside to pay for the trip too so we won't be back tracking just to celebrate. Take the journey with us as we share tips and tricks to save money, generate more money, free ourselves from the chains of debt and create a better future for our family and yours! Pin It


Never a Dull Day in Poland said...

I am a visual person so I LOVE mickey and squares idea.

life...just saying said...

That is soooo awesome! Way to go! Just a FYI, I cliked on the link from Blogelina, and it said blog didn't exist. I then clicked on the link it said didn't exist and landed on your blog...weird. I hope everyone else does that.

Julie said...

Thank you! I just figured out that the link wasn't working! Thank you for rechecking for my blog too! You are all awesome. I have emailed blogelina and hopefully it'll get fixed. One darn number wrong in the link... I'm a first timer with the whole link of unposted posts, lol!

Kecia | From Mom's Desk said...

This is a wonderful idea! We want to take our son to Disney sometime in the next 3-4 years. It would be great to make it a reward of sorts...and we could use the visual reminder that we are working on paying off our debt!

Anjanette said...

Congrats on another milestone! Knowing you are makes strides for your family's future feels great, doesn't it?

Unknown said...

Wow, that's wonderful! I know you feel a great weight lifted off of your shoulders. Keep up the good work.

Julie said...

Thank you so much! It is a very great feeling to be progressing! And I love all the support people I've never met give! Thank you so much!

sarah said...

Love the mickey idea! We have four student loans and a truck payment - just might need to do something like this to have a visual motivation.

Great job paying things off!

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