Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Albertson's shopping trip!

I often forget to share with you the successful shopping trips I have with coupons. This definetly isn't my best trip but very worth sharing.

I did this in two transactions. The first transaction went like this:

20 boxes of cereal(10 General Mills, 10 Kellogs w/ free milk promo)
8 boxes of Nature Vally Granola Bars
2 boxes of Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks
2 2lb bricks of cheese
2 Salsa's
1 cream cheese
1 Budding Deli cuts Sandwich meat
1 Lansinoh Nursing pads
2 huge boxes of Huggies Diapers 76 count
4 bags of Huggies diapers 40-something count

THE TOTAL WOULD HAVE BEEN $260 BUT I PAID $154!!! AND I GOT 5 COUPONS FOR FREE MILK, AND $10 TOWARDS MY NEXT CHECKOUT! Plus all my General Mills cereal had $4+ of coupons on each one, so that is over $40 worth of more coupons for juice, paper goods, and butter... things I'm sure I will buy in the future when it is on sale:)

So I took my loot to the car and turned around to go grab my milk:) And some Dreyers ice cream... and some Welches Fruit Snacks!

5 gallons of milk
3 tubs of ice cream
7 boxes of Welches Fruit Snacks
TOTAL WOULD HAVE BEEN $56.18 and.... I SPENT $7.80!!!

So all in all, the two shopping trips should have cost about $320 and I only spent $160!!!!

I won't have to buy diapers or cereal for at least 3 months! 

That was 58 items(including 6 big packs of diapers and my Lansinoh pads-never on sale and $10 bucks a pop) for $160 which averages out to $2.75 an item.

Or if you want to be more specific, 320 diapers + 60 lansinoh pads + 51 other items= $.37 per item! (with it broken down a bit, lol!!)

And if you want to include the $40 in coupons I got... it's even better, but that is only if I end up using them. Let say I do.
It would be 28 CENTS per item. :)

***Just a few notes I learned from this trip, we already know you should ALWAYS bring ALL of your coupons with you, this is one reason why, I had plans to just buy diapers, cheese and cream cheese! I wouldn't have scored these other items that we always buy and consume anyway. 
*I learned Albertson's gives you the full amount on coupons for free items. EX: free milk, up to $4.50. The milk was only $2.79 so the rest went towards my ice cream:) I thought Wal-mart was the only place that would do this
*I thought the limit on the free milk was 3 but it printed 5... two of which said FREE up to $4.50!!! that was ALMOST $4 of extra savings I hadn't planned on!  SWEET!
*I mentioned before that I would never shop anywhere but Wal-mart again accept when there are Catalina's involved... changed my mind... unadvertised sales can be the best ones! They don't price match those!

*an FYI... the buy one Dreyers get two free promo.... I'm sure you are aware but incase you are not, they have the price of ONE at $6.99, that is way more than normal... it is usually $3.50-3.99 so it is more like buy two get one free. I've noticed over time that Albertson's definetly tries to play games like this. I'm not fooled. So really it wasn't even as good as the sale when it goes to $2.00 a bucket. I purchased it anyway because remember, I had free milk and $10 towards my next shopping trip. I could have bought something more useful or more healthy but I really love ice cream and it is getting warmer around my part of the country!!!


Wait, not quite... I also need to mention if you have coupons on the Kellogs cereal, that can make for a few more in savings, I didn't have any left, used them last week!

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The Jensen Family said...

I did the cereal deal last week.You will find at alberstons alot of these deals go fast down here.For the milk another option is you can get the organic winder farm milk(just a thought)I did the cereal deal last week when i had double off coupons.I bought tide when it was on sale & tide stain release.We should get together about all the deals. Rachael

Julie said...

You can use those coupons for winderdairy milk? That I did not know. I would love to get together on the deals. It is always more fun with someone else:)

I was surprised that they still had cereal on their shelves, lol. But they aren't as bad as Smith's. I swear they never keep the items stocked when there is a sale. I rarely go to Smith's anymore.

couponsforzipcodes said...

cool post. I have been thinking about this topic,so thanks for sharing. I will probably be subscribing to your blog. Keep up great writing!!!

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