Monday, August 1, 2011

Blog inactivity.

Hi all! I really appreciate those of you who have stuck it out with me. I have really intended to keep this blog more active than it currently is but have failed to do so lately. 

So just so you know, and so I can keep myself in check, we are in the middle of purchasing a home, one that will need to be remodeled. We are hoping to get it done fast but we will have to completely pack(of course), have a garage sale, remodel, unpack and adjust. With that said, my posts may be scarce over the next month or so.

I will also be getting the wonderful opportunity to babysit my GREAT nephew everyday while my niece gets her medical degree! I am so excited for her and to babysit, he'll be a great buddy for my little boy. Anyhow, it may take me some time to get into a regular schedule! lol. AND my oldest (daughter) is starting pre-school! We have so many exciting events and part of them will be captured through this blog specifically! I have much to say about life on a strict budget using coupons all while getting out of debt! 

Thanks again for sticking with me!  Pin It

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