Friday, June 19, 2009

Just A Quick note...

As of my results in my drawing survey... you will begin to notice changes in my shop.

*I am changing my photos a bit to try and get clearer pictures(I am not the best photographer).

*I will have a Short product description at the top of each product listing and then further details on down for those that want more. Most of you said you would like the shorter(which is what I prefer as well when shopping online too) but I don't want to scrimp on the info for the rest of you either.

*I really like having a short shop announcement so you can just get to shopping and not read my blabberring but pay attention to it because I announce my sales right at the top along with any shop updates and any important details.

*For everyone that wants to know about me and my products, how and why I began making them... check out my profile in my shop! You can also check out this blog for tidbits about my family and I every now and then. I love to get to know my customers and love that some of you like to get to know me!

*It sounds like my prices are good for most of you. I am glad because I do strive to make my BUDGET books affordable and cute too!

*I am happy to see what fabrics you all like as well and I will try to incorporate more of the Amy Butlers, Michael Miller, Henry Glass, and others into my selection. I am a HUGE fan of Moda so that is never a problem. I tend to gravitate towards Moda fabrics every time I enter a fabric shop with out even thinking about it.

I am so happy with the results I have gotten with this survey! Thanks again to you all! Pin It

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