OK, I've been a bit of a slacker when it comes to posting about my training because I'm not sure if there are many really reading or caring...BUT I have been doing it! I have ran into some struggles along the way but I officially have ONLY 6 DAYS until the race- really less than that. I'll be finished in 6 days from now!
It starts at 6 am on Saturday.
My training has been tough and sometimes I have slacked... usually because I have run into lots of pains or pulled muscles. I am really hoping nothing will hold me back come Saturday morning. I run 2 miles today and 3 miles on Wednesday and then I don't run until the half on Saturday so my legs should be recovered and ready. I will be stretching for an hour a day to make sure my legs and muscles are nice and loose for the run because I ALWAYS need to stretch during my runs. It seems like I can't stretch enough.
Anyway, it has been tough but worth it so far! I will be so excited to say I finished the half! I'm not running to win... I'm running to complete a personal goal of simply RUNNING a half! To be honest, I have completed a lot of firsts when it comes to working out and running by just signing up for the race and following through with the training as much as possible. I've ran my own "10K's" about 5 times and then some just for training for this thing... and I have NEVER ran a 5K or 10K before!
At times I have completely wanted to give up and wondered if I would make it as far as I have already... but I have had to remind myself, My body WAS NOT made to be WEAK!
I know my creator and I know that we may run into injuries or illnesses of sorts but our bodies are really quite amazing. It's our mind we need to work on the most! I CAN DO THIS THING! :)
My camera recently broke so I made sure to buy a new one over the weekend because I WILL be taking pictures of this event! And of the views! I want to take in the run- not just run!
It is in Bryce Canyon National Park and it is beautiful there so I'm sure the sunrise will be worth a few pictures!
My husband, 4 sisters, brother-in-law, and even 2 nieces will be running the race too! So it'll be loads of fun! Although... out of the group, I'll probably be the last of them to finish. Oddly, lots of my family are runners... not me, normally, not me anyway. But this week I AM A RUNNER! :)
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